Scottish Fold Kitten Tobi basket Faltohr Kätzchen Katze Kater Tobi im Korb
Introducing the little Fold boy Jens Thorben or "Tobi" here.

About Tobi: Born on 1 December 2017, no pedigree papers, from a Backyard Breeder (BYB).

Mother: BSH, father: Fold. ALL (!) of the Fold kittens in his litter have issues.

Starting with the age of one, Tobi’s stiff, cramped way of walking became noticeable and that his back was bent.

At the age of one and a half, x-rays provided the diagnosis: OCD and hip dysplasia. He lies down a lot, lifts one of his front paws when sitting or standing (to rest them).

In addition, as with many pure bred cats: Tobi suffers from struvite stones and recurring bladder infections.

Tobi at 13 weeks – in his first weeks with us.
He’s fighting a cold and runny eyes for at least the first 3 weeks
He is a bright and energetic little tom cat. Plays, climbs, does silly things.
Tobi at 14 weeks:
He feels at home. Climbs onto laps and is constantly exploring.
Tobi at 10 months –
He has a strangely stiff gait and prefers lying down. He doesn’t climb anymore.

Tobi at 10 Months

He has a strangely stiff gait and prefers lying down. He doesn’t climb anymore.

He’s moved into the old rabbit hutch in the garden. He has started observing instead of actively taking part.

Tobi at about a year old

He seems to feel better if he’s lying down. He only manages to jump up onto the sofa or a chair at the most.

He can’t manage anything higher than that (anymore).

Tobi at 20 Months

His favorite spot is on the neighbor’s outdoor barbecue pit. He can only make it onto the lowest ledge (ca. 1 and a half feet from the ground).


Here’s a video of Tobi with the cat Smilla from when he was young and fit

Turn on the English subtitles to be able to read along

We made this video because at first it was uncertain whether Tobi and our other cat Smilla (BSH) would get along. Her brother had died suddenly and she was very unhappy.

Though we knew he couldn’t replace her brother, we thought someone new at her might at least distract her. Tobi did this very well and after a time, they got to be buddies. 😉

In retrospect, you can see how quickly Tobi was able to move, how fast he ran and jumped without any problems. Today – one and half years later – …unthinkable!

Note from Barbara Lynne

Tobi’s story makes me sad: Not even two years old and he’s already lost the will to move around much – because moving hurts. 😿 Of course his owner does everything she can to give him as much quality of life possible so he isn’t made to suffer, but her little sweetie has become a source of worry for her. She would do things differently today and advises against buying a cat from a Backyard Breeder.

What can you to improve your chances of getting a healthy Scottish Fold kitten?

My tip: Find a good breeder – someone who is a member of a reputable association, someone who knows their stuff and is known on the cat show circuit. Or someone who is highly recommended in an online community, such as in a large Facebook group with hundreds of members. Because these are the breeders who have accountability for their actions. People know who they are and they have a reputation to lose. You should contact other members of the group privately who have bought kittens from them and get the real story.

Always ask to view both of your Foldie’s parents – in advance via video chat before you commit to buying your kitten. Your kitten should live with its mother and siblings until adoption day – at the age of at least 12 weeks, better 14 or 16 weeks. Look for that one parent has straight ears and that none of the cats are kept in cages.

And of course The Checklist can serve as a guide when choosing a breeder. If you have any questions, please join the Facebook Group Scottish Fold Info Community for support. 💜

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